Ketuman's profile image

Ketuman VishwakarmaSoftware Engineer / Frontend Developer


Currently employed at Bluecore as a Forward Deployed Engineer, working with the FDE team, managing product integrations for numerous clients.

JavaScript and the web continually fuel my passion for creation.

When I'm not coding, I'm either immersed in movies and animes, capturing fashion vids and self-portraits, or reading something.

I also consistently post JS and web dev related content on my LinkedIn.

Ketuman Vishwakarma


EasyResume: Resume Maker

  • React
  • ReactToPrint
  • ReactSelect

Swiftly craft clean ATS-friendly resumes with ease. Options for font, colour, links, etc.


  • React
  • Redux
  • ReactMdEdtior
  • Tailwind

Blog app with pretty UI having all CRUD operations on blogs with Markdown support.


  • React
  • MaterialUI

EduGuardian is an all-in-one content aggregator that hosts resources and roadmaps for devs.

MovieHut: Random Movie API

  • Nodejs
  • MongoDB
  • Express

NodeJS REST API to fetch random movies. Has multiple GET endpoints. More on GitHub!

Indigo: VS Code Dark Theme

  • VS Code

VS Code theme deployed on the marketplace. Has 2,500+ downloads and couting!

Code Pen Clone

  • React
  • CodeMirror

React.js Code Pen like app with live coding support for HTML-CSS-JSS.

ML Algorithm Visualiser

  • Flutter
  • Rive Animator

Machine learning algorithm visualiser mobile app, has simulations and animations of basic ML algorithms.